Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Man with arm pain suffers from CRPS

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Chronic pain is no joke and everyone knows it can be really tough to live with. Fortunately, there are many resources available for help around the country- including one right here in your hometown! Las Vegas Sports and Spine Center provides treatment options that target chronic aches so you don’t have to get stuck being miserable.

At our practice, we offer specialists who will work closely with you to provide the best suits for each individual’s unique needs.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Q & A

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)?

CRPS can be a debilitating and painful condition. The patient will experience many different symptoms that are difficult to manage on their own. There is no cure yet available in the treatment of this illness due to its severe complexity. While it cannot always be completely resolved with treatments available now, doctors who specialize in this problem can often provide relief of varying degrees.

What is RSD?

RSD, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is a common form of complex regional pain syndrome. It can be characterized by lasting pain that often follows an injury and manifests itself as burning sensations.

It’s unknown what causes this condition but it involves abnormalities within your nervous system where the sympathetic input has been increased exponentially over time. When this happens, it can cause extreme pain and discomfort for the person suffering.

Who is Affected by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Men and women of all ages are susceptible to CRPS but it appears that more women end up with this condition than men do. During an active stage, CRPS itself doesn’t discriminate against age either because sufferers of all ages are subject to its symptoms.

Symptoms may present themselves after an injury at first but they can also develop following a surgery or infection as well. The aftermath of the flu is another common cause for CRPS although it’s not fully understood why that would result in this condition being set off.

What are the Treatment Options for CRPS?

Treatment may include: physical therapy, medications and spinal cord stimulation. This procedure involves delivering electrical impulses through the skin into your body so it can reduce pain caused by complex regional syndrome (CRPS).

If you have been diagnosed with CRPS, it’s time to get the treatment that will help alleviate your pain symptoms. It’s difficult to go through life with this condition so why not consider reaching out to us today?

We are currently accepting patients who are experiencing chronic pain conditions related to complex regional pain syndrome and we will work to find the best solution for each individual patient.