Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation in Las Vegas

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The struggle of living with chronic pain is real. It can make everyday tasks such as grocery shopping or taking care of your kids overwhelming because they are so difficult when you have to rely on other people for assistance, especially if those needs arise at any time during the day (elderly parents above all).

Luckily there’s something called spinal cord stimulation! This procedure involves placing electrodes onto specific areas in order to stimulate nerve endings near one’s spine which helps reduce discomfort by giving off electrical currents.

Spinal Cord Stimulation Q & A

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

Spinal Cord Stimulation is the newest, cutting-edge technology that can alleviate your chronic pain in just minutes. This procedure uses an electric current along with your spine to block signals from reaching nerves responsible for sending messages of distress throughout our bodies – this means no more discomfort! The device has been approved by FDA as a treatment option for those who suffer from leg or back issues causing them great distress but offers hope where there was once only suffering.

Who is a Candidate for Spinal Cord Stimulation?

We will determine if you’re a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation during your consultation. You may be considered an excellent prospect when:

  • Your pain isn’t caused by malignancy
  • it’s related to arthritis or disc disease in the spine region 
  • You’ve already tried other less invasive treatments without success 
  • You don’t have any contraindications – like a pacemaker or significant psychiatric disorders

How Is Spinal Cord Stimulation Done?

The first thing that happens during surgery is the placement of leads on your spinal canal, with an exact location depending upon where you’re experiencing pain. The process of installing your spinal cord stimulator is conducted under anesthesia to reduce any discomfort you may feel.

Then they’ll tunnel through the skin and into muscle. The device may be placed in the abdominal or buttocks areas. After the surgery which generally takes 90 minutes or less, you will spend time in the recovery area for monitoring and then be sent home with specific instructions on post-surgery activities.

What Happens After Spinal Cord Stimulation?

After the implantation procedure, you’ll be sent home to recover with a pain pump and a controller. This instrument will give you more control over your settings that deliver electricity to your body – it works just like a remote! You’ll be able to change your settings with the controller by using a special magnet, allowing you to feel more comfortable in certain situations. When you feel like your pain is escalating, simply use the magnet to make an adjustment. The devices also help regulate sleep patterns; which means better rest for you!

When Will I See Results?

Most patients experience significant improvements in their symptoms within three months following surgery, but results will vary. Some people even sense comfort immediately after implantation, while others need more time to start feeling relief.


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