Schedule A Pain Management Consultation
Our physicians offers innovative treatments to help manage postamputation pain with the goal of giving you as much relief in an efficient manner as possible. More than half of those who have lost a limb to injury, disease, or accident experience postamputation pain. Sometimes referred to as “phantom pain” by laypeople, we can assure you the pain is real. Luckily there are treatments for this common source of pain that can help you manage your symptoms with less medication and fewer side effects. Don’t suffer longer than necessary! Contact us today for a consultation.
Abdominal Pain Q & A
What is Postamputation Pain (PAP)?
After an amputation people often experience pain in and around their missing limbs. This is not well understood by many doctors, but it can affect your quality of life and be debilitating for some people.
Some types of pain include residual limb/stump imbalance; phantom sensations where you feel something missing beneath skin level (phantom limb); unusual feelings related to ownership such as memory dreams about what might have happened with that arm previously, or continued sensation where there is no longer any arm present.
What are some treatments for PAP?
Treatment for post-amputation pain can be very individualized depending on your symptoms, the level of discomfort you are experiencing, and your overall health. Some patients have had success with medications including gabapentin (Neurontin), pregabalin (Lyrica), and tricyclic antidepressants. Sometimes your doctor will also recommend physical therapy and rehabilitation to help retrain the brain’s ability to control movement and sensation in that area of the body.
Treatment is different for everyone, but we understand that you want what is best for yourself and we do everything we can to provide you with the best possible outcomes for your life and lifestyle. Call today to find out more about treatments for postamputation pain. Your quality of life depends on it.